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  • Allday® Dry Mouth Gel - Mild Mint - Case of 24 Twin Packs

Allday® Dry Mouth Gel - Mild Mint - Case of 24 Twin Packs

SKU: Allday Dry Mouth Gel Mint 1.5 oz tube Twin Case 726GE2410
1 - 1$262.00
2 +$250.00



Give your dry mouth patients maximum xylitol protection all day long.

Allday® Dry Mouth Gel combats dry mouth differently than any other moisturizing mouth product. This patented innovation uses a special mucoadhesive hydrogel and maximum xylitol concentration to relieve dry mouth symptoms and improve the poor oral health that accompanies it.

Non-erosive to Enamel & Dentin
Since dry mouth patients are high-risk, achieving a non-acidic oral environment is crucial for disease prevention. Allday gel is manufactured to a neutral pH of ~7.0, providing continuous buffering and protection with use throughout the day. Unfortunately, some of the most well-known dry mouth products have a pH well below the critical level for erosion and demineralization of dentin, and even enamel.2 Since so many dry mouth patients have exposed root surfaces, a moisturizer with a pH below 6.7 may be harmful to them.3

Starves Bacteria
Allday gel is saturated with 44% xylitol, far more than any other dry mouth relief product. Working in concert with its unique mucoadhesive, Allday gel holds more xylitol in the mouth for an extended period, prolonging the bacteriostatic benefits.

Dry Mouth May Be More Common Than You Realize
More than 25% of your patients likely suffer from dry mouth according to a recently published, extensive review.1 That's more than 400 patients in an average-size practice. These patients want relief from their pain and discomfort, but since their low saliva flow puts them at extremely high risk, they also need extra protection from caries.

1. How Common is Dry Mouth? Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Prevalence Estimates, Brazilian Dental Journal (2018) 29(6): 606-618
2. Elemental analysis of caries-affected root dentin and artificially demineralized dentin, Young-Hye Sung, Ho-Hyun Son, Keewook Yi, Juhea Chang, Restor Dent Endod. 2016 Nov; 41(4): 255–261.
3. Acidic oral moisturizers with pH below 6.7 may be harmful to teeth depending on formulation: a short report, Alex J Delgado, Vilhelm G Olafsson, Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2017; 9: 81–83.